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The GREATER Than Good Blog

Feb 18, 20231 min read
Story Time Read-A-Loud!
How do you like your pancakes? More importantly, WHEN do you like to eat them? Pancakes for Dinner! was one of those books that made kids...

Feb 13, 20232 min read
Self-Forgiveness for Students
Self-forgiveness is a critical aspect of personal growth and mental wellness. It involves recognizing and accepting your mistakes,...

Jan 24, 20231 min read
GTG: Self-Love Motivation
What is Self Love? And did you know that having self love can lead to increased self-confidence? Check out this short but highly...

Aug 2, 20221 min read
From Bullied To Bold
He had to sign his own yearbook... When Cassandra Cooper saw that practically NOBODY signed her son Brody's yearbook, that was a red...

Feb 11, 20215 min read
Ace on the Court: The Magic of Omar Lopez
From behind my windshield I saw little kids that reminded me of small chicks, chirping around on the tennis court, gathering tennis balls as

Dec 10, 20196 min read
The Better Than Good Blog: A Peak Behind the Mask- How Our Kids Can Learn From The Mandalorian
The Mandalorian is the metaphorical depiction of how our students and children often hide behind their own masks in and outside of class.

Nov 27, 20193 min read
The Better Than Good Blog: Solving vs Succumbing
We can learn a lot from the Panyee FC soccer kids that had the audacity to float
an outrageous idea and see it through!

Oct 30, 20196 min read
Better Than Good: Living In The Moment (Part 2)
Teachers are often willing to add a student's baggage onto their own loads in order to help them travel lighter throughout the school day.

Oct 20, 20196 min read
Better Than Good: Living In The Moment (Part 1)
My wife and I aren’t quite sure what planet she’s from but we’re grateful to have her.

Oct 10, 20194 min read
Better Than Good: Helping Students "Run To Sun"
There's no better feeling for a student than to feel confident in the classroom, like they're running downhill with the wind at their backs.

Oct 6, 20193 min read
Better Than Good: The Early Bird Gets The Worm
How would it be if we replaced the word good with average?
How was your day? Average.
How’s it going? Average.
How was school? Average.
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