How do you like your pancakes? More importantly, WHEN do you like to eat them?
Pancakes for Dinner! was one of those books that made kids laugh while bringing out a little nostalgia for the grown ups. In my case, having pancakes for dinner was a tradition from my childhood whenever our family had something to celebrate. That tradition carries on today as a (so called) adult.
It was such an honor to be asked to read this book for the El Paso independent School District's reading initiative, Buenas Noches El Paso! It features videos of notable figures from the district and throughout the region reading a children’s book.
Parents and children can now have easy access to cool stories - no matter what time of day!
Are you a teacher or parent looking for free activities for the classroom or home? I'm putting together a collection of resources right here.
(c) 2022 Phillip D. Cortez